Friday, January 25, 2008
Ha! As of today, the Bush Recession is "baked" in
What idiot got us into THIS mess? Traders are predicting a recession, which means we are already IN one. Accountability might be called for, but not expected.
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
S1200 is a drop in the sea, much less bucket
16 Billion through 2017 is absolutely NOTHING! Never mind that the BULK of our people are already DEAD!
Holy shit, if an R (AK) is speaking up for us, we're in trouble.
Those that are left, how the hell did you survive? Did you sell out?
Sen. Lisa Murkowski says, that the history, re: indian health care, has been "very damning." Amazing to hear the words, but again, they're words, just like these. Wonder when we'll hear from Inouye.
Those that are left, what does that mean to you? When will you make THEM start paying the rent? This "obligation" is just that, a drop in the big, wide, sea.
Holy shit, if an R (AK) is speaking up for us, we're in trouble.
Those that are left, how the hell did you survive? Did you sell out?
Sen. Lisa Murkowski says, that the history, re: indian health care, has been "very damning." Amazing to hear the words, but again, they're words, just like these. Wonder when we'll hear from Inouye.
Those that are left, what does that mean to you? When will you make THEM start paying the rent? This "obligation" is just that, a drop in the big, wide, sea.
June 25 - Treaty Day!
Just a day to remind ourselves that this is still our country. It is definitely a federal holiday, even more so than xmas, since Treaty day is giveaway day too.
Blanket Indian
So I was told that my identity is tied to my enrollment card. If there was a way to abrogate the treaties we signed, I would encourage us to do it. The problem is, we would not get any recompense for everything that was stolen from us by the invading new worlder, that it would in the long run make us even more victimized and I hate that feeling!
"What is rich anyway? Money don't make you rich!"
He's got a point, but too many of my relatives signed and died for that fucking piece of worthless shit paper that is our treaty with the marauding invader, but it is what we have right now.
"It was 1962 that the last state in the nation could vote in a state election." Sen. Byron Dorgan (D-ND) on cspan supporting indian health service funding.
Oh, our vote, I forgot about that too. What the hell, it's our world still, we have to figure it out together. There was a time when all I wanted to do was blink every white person away, just like my Dreamer relations before me. Now? "Kuut nuu." Can't ship 'em out, so what else are we going to do?
The main realization is that yes, my family signed those treaties, but they are also "blanket" indians, too, and DAMN proud of it!
"What is rich anyway? Money don't make you rich!"
He's got a point, but too many of my relatives signed and died for that fucking piece of worthless shit paper that is our treaty with the marauding invader, but it is what we have right now.
"It was 1962 that the last state in the nation could vote in a state election." Sen. Byron Dorgan (D-ND) on cspan supporting indian health service funding.
Oh, our vote, I forgot about that too. What the hell, it's our world still, we have to figure it out together. There was a time when all I wanted to do was blink every white person away, just like my Dreamer relations before me. Now? "Kuut nuu." Can't ship 'em out, so what else are we going to do?
The main realization is that yes, my family signed those treaties, but they are also "blanket" indians, too, and DAMN proud of it!
Monday, January 21, 2008
We've been separating and constituting and re-constituting for only 13 billion years or so. Say we're a synapse for some other awareness, not even a universe, and some flash became us and not only we non-existant, we're just part of some play, only eons of wisdom and laughter, on many different planes and places writ larger than anyone can see or imagine.
A Writer is what we really wonder about then. More so, an actor is involved. An actor that has to be open and aware or who cares what they impart to us by virtue of their passion. That awareness is us and everything else, all being equal, literally equal.
As for the Writer, can't go there. Don't mean to, either.
All I say is, "Kuut nuu."
A Writer is what we really wonder about then. More so, an actor is involved. An actor that has to be open and aware or who cares what they impart to us by virtue of their passion. That awareness is us and everything else, all being equal, literally equal.
As for the Writer, can't go there. Don't mean to, either.
All I say is, "Kuut nuu."
Friday, January 18, 2008
used to poverty
Heard the last of a news conference on cspan with our treasury secretary, h. paulson. Paulson’s last answer, that is revealing and tells me that poor people are fucked, again. Turn to tv and bloomberg to watch older white guys talk about how they need the feds to come through for corporations. Meanwhile, everything is more expensive for us ordinary bozo’s on the street. Some of us are more on the street than others, but at least, I feel used to the stress and strain of always struggling, it hurts but somehow, i'm used to it. Some have never had to even think about it, but for some reason, I don't feel for them.
i have even wearied about making noise, it's so tiresome to always be sucked into staying on-grid, and even now know that that must be part of some plan, that my life has no room for dissent, else i starve. now that is pitiful.
cannot bear to watch or listen to 43, he was making an announcement about the "stimulus" plan and the market graph displayed next to his head, kept flashing lower and lower. It would be humorous other than the fact the gap between rich and poor is larger than ever, and with me giggling, there is someone else who doesn't even notice as they jump aboard the concord for their mid-winter holiday. kuutnuu, folks.
i have even wearied about making noise, it's so tiresome to always be sucked into staying on-grid, and even now know that that must be part of some plan, that my life has no room for dissent, else i starve. now that is pitiful.
cannot bear to watch or listen to 43, he was making an announcement about the "stimulus" plan and the market graph displayed next to his head, kept flashing lower and lower. It would be humorous other than the fact the gap between rich and poor is larger than ever, and with me giggling, there is someone else who doesn't even notice as they jump aboard the concord for their mid-winter holiday. kuutnuu, folks.
Tuesday, January 15, 2008
Democratic debate in Nevada
Being Native, these elections can be observed as an inside outsider. One day, there will be some way of trusting this government again, but until then, we keep our eyes open.
Being human, the choices on the blue side are much better than we have been led to believe by the media. The news sometimes points out that the elect-ability issues crop up and that the democrats have a tough road against, say, McCain or Romney. It is clear that the democratic nomination is the battle, no R having a chance this decade or next and these three are acting like it.
They can even be called by their first names now, making Hilary, Barack or John the president of the future. I will vote for any one of these people for president if they get the nomination.
Glad to hear that there is no clapping or hooting. I hate whole "bring it on" noise thing that crowds get into, they have to struggle with each other on their own. Good. The hosts, not so good.
The issues got hit on here but so far they sound similar, but in general, Hil is the establishment candidate, you have to admit that. She is a she, so that is going to raise hell with alot of chronic compulsives but there aren't enough of them to hinder her probable election. Obama and John have an equal chance, but mainly because of the level of fear they engender. If this is cynical and "racial", so be it. There is protected class that hate John, there is a protected, racist element that hate Obama. There might not be good enough reasons to oppose these men, but if elect-ability is an issue it is here. Makes me sick to say it, but there are large packs of our population that operates out of fear only, and this election is scaring the shit out of some of them. Still, unless this election is stolen yet again, there will be a D in the oval office. (I hate calling it the "white" house, wonder why?)
No doubt they all have the prepared, studied, energetic, earnest, demeanor that makes them look polished and whoa, they're smiling at each other but the knives have to come out sooner or later, right?
We are not the arbiter of anything except that which our vote affords us, we have to be there for this, and in an odd way, we have to thank that incompetent, possibly evil, absolutely clueless cabal in the current administration for awakening the rage in so many of us. It is not the fact that there are people we can point to, 43 of course, his women, we know who they are, his "boys", we know who they are, but they could not do what they do without People being apathetic or simply distracted by trying to stay alive.
Nuclear energy, now the knives cut? They were fronting each other a bit, being Democrats, then candidates, but now they want to separate. Good.
The hosts, not so good.
Some of this is pie in the polluted sky but okay, I will accept that you believe you will do this or that.
Although, Barack had a response that I think the other two went, "Jeez, that's a great idea, why didn't I say that!"
The whole immigration thing is going to sink John, though is shouldn't. If anyone dares to keep people out, let them leave. This country was stolen from US! Okay, we cannot ship you all out, it being 2008 and all, but damn any of you who say you have a right to put up a wall! Damn you!
They even got to education, hooray! I should watch the R debates, too, but there is no possibility that anyone within six degrees of me is going to vote R, no, not going to happen, so it seems a waste of time.
Guns! Political winds! It’s obvious that what you say or don’t say here could get you killed. Terrible thing to say, but the whole question can be solved by not allowing them on our ancestral lands, period. We are sovereign after all and some crazies have proven that they have no sense when it comes to guns and we have to protect ourselves by making everyone disarm. You want to hunt on our lands, use a bow, buddy!
The fear card! Yeah, I love this! Okay, the hosts aren’t so bad after all. These candidates want to have a bomb in their hands, tell us what you’re going to do with it. Oh, protect us, of course.
Still, the final answers, a question via email about when they made their decision to run for president and they had great answers, Barack really hit it in terms of what we want to hear. It not if he thought he would win, but should he. Love it.
The hosts were okay, the debate won by all. Though my gut wants to vote female, needed a gender change more than a color change, I am all over the place but happy to see that these candidates are so much better than usual.
Uh oh, Tweety has to describe the whole thing as a power play by Hil. He is pathetic. Time to go, cya.
Being human, the choices on the blue side are much better than we have been led to believe by the media. The news sometimes points out that the elect-ability issues crop up and that the democrats have a tough road against, say, McCain or Romney. It is clear that the democratic nomination is the battle, no R having a chance this decade or next and these three are acting like it.
They can even be called by their first names now, making Hilary, Barack or John the president of the future. I will vote for any one of these people for president if they get the nomination.
Glad to hear that there is no clapping or hooting. I hate whole "bring it on" noise thing that crowds get into, they have to struggle with each other on their own. Good. The hosts, not so good.
The issues got hit on here but so far they sound similar, but in general, Hil is the establishment candidate, you have to admit that. She is a she, so that is going to raise hell with alot of chronic compulsives but there aren't enough of them to hinder her probable election. Obama and John have an equal chance, but mainly because of the level of fear they engender. If this is cynical and "racial", so be it. There is protected class that hate John, there is a protected, racist element that hate Obama. There might not be good enough reasons to oppose these men, but if elect-ability is an issue it is here. Makes me sick to say it, but there are large packs of our population that operates out of fear only, and this election is scaring the shit out of some of them. Still, unless this election is stolen yet again, there will be a D in the oval office. (I hate calling it the "white" house, wonder why?)
No doubt they all have the prepared, studied, energetic, earnest, demeanor that makes them look polished and whoa, they're smiling at each other but the knives have to come out sooner or later, right?
We are not the arbiter of anything except that which our vote affords us, we have to be there for this, and in an odd way, we have to thank that incompetent, possibly evil, absolutely clueless cabal in the current administration for awakening the rage in so many of us. It is not the fact that there are people we can point to, 43 of course, his women, we know who they are, his "boys", we know who they are, but they could not do what they do without People being apathetic or simply distracted by trying to stay alive.
Nuclear energy, now the knives cut? They were fronting each other a bit, being Democrats, then candidates, but now they want to separate. Good.
The hosts, not so good.
Some of this is pie in the polluted sky but okay, I will accept that you believe you will do this or that.
Although, Barack had a response that I think the other two went, "Jeez, that's a great idea, why didn't I say that!"
The whole immigration thing is going to sink John, though is shouldn't. If anyone dares to keep people out, let them leave. This country was stolen from US! Okay, we cannot ship you all out, it being 2008 and all, but damn any of you who say you have a right to put up a wall! Damn you!
They even got to education, hooray! I should watch the R debates, too, but there is no possibility that anyone within six degrees of me is going to vote R, no, not going to happen, so it seems a waste of time.
Guns! Political winds! It’s obvious that what you say or don’t say here could get you killed. Terrible thing to say, but the whole question can be solved by not allowing them on our ancestral lands, period. We are sovereign after all and some crazies have proven that they have no sense when it comes to guns and we have to protect ourselves by making everyone disarm. You want to hunt on our lands, use a bow, buddy!
The fear card! Yeah, I love this! Okay, the hosts aren’t so bad after all. These candidates want to have a bomb in their hands, tell us what you’re going to do with it. Oh, protect us, of course.
Still, the final answers, a question via email about when they made their decision to run for president and they had great answers, Barack really hit it in terms of what we want to hear. It not if he thought he would win, but should he. Love it.
The hosts were okay, the debate won by all. Though my gut wants to vote female, needed a gender change more than a color change, I am all over the place but happy to see that these candidates are so much better than usual.
Uh oh, Tweety has to describe the whole thing as a power play by Hil. He is pathetic. Time to go, cya.
Monday, January 14, 2008
No one knows anything, no one has a voice
What is so strange about oil is that the price was supposed to be about supply and demand but it is clear that the price is driven by speculation, so no matter how much you cut down on using oil, when you do use it, you are making exporters and traders rich by paying volatile prices, making money for "certain" people on every swing.
Still, just like some fabled economic "growth" that was supposed to continue on into infinity, the oil supply will eventually run out, sooner rather than later, then what?
It is nice to walk and talk or take the bus. Have to think about how to start running horses around town, now that's a solution I can live with. We are this country's true horse people, ay? Hope I don't fall.
Still, just like some fabled economic "growth" that was supposed to continue on into infinity, the oil supply will eventually run out, sooner rather than later, then what?
It is nice to walk and talk or take the bus. Have to think about how to start running horses around town, now that's a solution I can live with. We are this country's true horse people, ay? Hope I don't fall.
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at Celilo Falls, Nii Mii Puu country
Peace & Community

Here's to peace, freedom, health, spirit and home

in "formal" wear
Where I am when I'm not here.
About Me
- Pre AmeriKKKan
- Everything opposite the average Amurkkkin.