greed is good for a select few, native people have known that for hundreds of years.
ordinary citizens may not know, but they have been stealing from us, via their federal govt, for every minute that the bureau of indian affairs has been in existence. check out the cobell case currently in litigation to understand that the feds will owe us TRILLIONS for their greed and dishonesty towards their "wards", each tribal person with an individual indian money accounts at the BIA.
Should be no surprise that not only is the US govt responsible for bungling incompetence with Bush but for general thievery and outright and illegal land-grabbing in the past under such scum presidents like Jackson and scum senators like Gorton.
sadly, history has been sanitized to reflect the hero pilgrim, instead of the true image of the dirty, lying, thieving, ignorant newcomer with diseases to spare, sundering everything in their path with the glee of knowing they will have everything for free.
it's no wonder we have to suffer this, it's been in the making for a long time. greed is only good for the lowest common people, those willing to steal, and the rest of us have to pay.
Sunday, February 17, 2008
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at Celilo Falls, Nii Mii Puu country
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