Back to the "real" world with a new party in the "white" house. Strange to say that in such a way because I was sure this country was still too afraid of itself to vote for someone bi-racial, someone not rich, white, or conservative and someone who did not dumb himself down to get elected. There is still a lot of racism in me so I know that there is a lot of fear out there too but after Nov. 4th, 2008 there is hope.
While over at wapo comment boards someone wrote this in and i had to preserve it. it's a classic:
"artistkvip1 wrote:
please check 4 truth a sign of the imes may be because fools were trying to use digital technology in a world of fractals... the difference between dgital and fractals is the idea of infinity, infinity in a mesurable scale is impossible to achieve therefore it is mathematically false, in the digital world they could make do but when you start cutting fine edges and super refined mathematical formulas if you use infinity once in what ever the size of the the inclosed shape you will have one false. if there is no infinity then the circle if it is a circle resumes or show the opposite if you go backward that is why you have matter and anti-matter zero is a true number because you can in the real world not hav any of something that is one of the posibilities of a fractal but infinity is not a possibilit it could never exist in real time or the presenst this is what einsten meant when he said all time is relative copyright b. keith vipperman all rights reserved but i will be generous with my discovery but don't plaugarize me artistkvip"
I laughed like crazy and decided that I have to write like that here. After everything that has happened in the last ten short years, the absorbtion rate has overtipped the lip of my glass.
Thursday, November 13, 2008
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at Celilo Falls, Nii Mii Puu country
Peace & Community

Here's to peace, freedom, health, spirit and home

in "formal" wear
Where I am when I'm not here.
About Me
- Pre AmeriKKKan
- Everything opposite the average Amurkkkin.
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