This is the most despicable, overused set of words EVER. "They're de-risking." according to Len Blum, Westwood Capital on Bloomberg. WTF? "It is what it is."
Why so concerned about stocks when you no longer own any because you had to cash everything out to buy a gallon of gas? Because everyone is going to have to pay, one way or another and we, the sleepers, were the ones that let those rich guys take over the damn world.
The greed is good line has helped the "smartly" corrupt executive walk away with huge fees and hugely inflated golden parachutes is obscene. The regulators had a job to do, they did not do it, so saying we need more regulation is useless unless the fed actually did what they are paid to do. They will not and we will get sued by the IRS to pay our share for years to come.
Then we have have teh self-described pitbull with lipstick:
If you can see past her uterus, see what she has actually done, in AK, in ID, in grade school and in college. Until she actually speaks for herself, all that's available is fair, the line on what is dirty moved way out of bounds, especially since 43/cheney/rove. If Palin having "executive" experience gets Mad Mac elected, big if btw, it's time to examine her state legacy and the time to do it is NOW. Also, her family is not off limits if she orchestrates a meet and greet with John Bush where he literally blesses them on the tarmac. What is that about? It's about having your cake and eating it too. She calls the shots here and the MSM bites, every time.
Vetting properly would have avoided some of this, but it does add a "Dallas" like flavor to the campaign. If recreating a dead soap is the only tactic (R)'s have left and they win. Secession! If AK can do it, WA can, hey? Just kidding, besides, it's not over, even if it seems as if the code word for "being comfortable with a candidate" is really about being afraid of the melanin content of O's skin. Kind of crazy since he IS half-white, after all. He is running against more than just Mad Mac and the newest pit bull, he's running against a very uncomfortable slave history here. As a member of an indigenous nation, i suggest we not make this election about race, make it about what people do, not what they say, about what we do to protect our people, all of our people, not what will benefit the few. Above all, we have to think long term, we have to consider our generations to come.
Thursday, September 11, 2008
This is the most despicable, overused set of words EVER. "They're de-risking." according to Len Blum, Westwood Capital on Bloomberg. WTF?
If you can see past her uterus, see what she has actually done, in AK, in ID, in grade school and in college. Until she actually speaks for herself, all that's available is fair, the line on what is dirty moved way out of bounds, especially since 43/cheney/rove. If Palin having "executive" experience gets Mad Mac elected, big if btw, it's time to examine her state legacy and the time to do it is NOW. Also, her family is not off limits if she orchestrates a meet and greet with John Bush where he literally blesses them on the tarmac. What is that about? It's about having your cake and eating it too. She calls the shots here and the MSM bites, every time.
Vetting properly would have avoided some of this, but it does add a "Dallas" like flavor to the campaign. If recreating a dead soap is the only tactic (R)'s have left and they win. Secession! If AK can do it, WA can, hey? Just kidding, besides, it's not over, even if it seems as if the code word for "being comfortable with a candidate" is really about being afraid of the melanin content of O's skin. Kind of crazy since he IS half-white, after all. He is running against more than just Mad Mac and the newest pit bull, he's running against a very uncomfortable slave history here. As a member of an indigenous nation, i suggest we not make this election about race, make it about what people do, not what they say, about what we do to protect our people, all of our people, not what will benefit the few. Above all, we have to think long term, we have to consider our generations to come.
If you can see past her uterus, see what she has actually done, in AK, in ID, in grade school and in college. Until she actually speaks for herself, all that's available is fair, the line on what is dirty moved way out of bounds, especially since 43/cheney/rove. If Palin having "executive" experience gets Mad Mac elected, big if btw, it's time to examine her state legacy and the time to do it is NOW. Also, her family is not off limits if she orchestrates a meet and greet with John Bush where he literally blesses them on the tarmac. What is that about? It's about having your cake and eating it too. She calls the shots here and the MSM bites, every time.
Vetting properly would have avoided some of this, but it does add a "Dallas" like flavor to the campaign. If recreating a dead soap is the only tactic (R)'s have left and they win. Secession! If AK can do it, WA can, hey? Just kidding, besides, it's not over, even if it seems as if the code word for "being comfortable with a candidate" is really about being afraid of the melanin content of O's skin. Kind of crazy since he IS half-white, after all. He is running against more than just Mad Mac and the newest pit bull, he's running against a very uncomfortable slave history here. As a member of an indigenous nation, i suggest we not make this election about race, make it about what people do, not what they say, about what we do to protect our people, all of our people, not what will benefit the few. Above all, we have to think long term, we have to consider our generations to come.
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
A sense of helplessness, smallness, quietness, watchfulness, a step, barely registered, even by me and I am outside myself. Below me, there is a small brown baby swaddled in a baby board looking up at her parents. She turns to look up, sees me and smiles. I close my eyes and the sense of waiting comes to me and I know I am inside myself. Awake now, I see the fabric on the car ceiling, the dome light, my mom's face as she holds me up and passes me to my dad. His face quickly glosses over and I am blinded by the sun, then my sister appears, smiling and reaching out for me. I am her baby sister and it's her turn to babysit. I'm relieved. I go back to sleep.
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
From a .pdf a relative sent me on Palin
Sarah Palin’s Record on
Alaska Native and Tribal Issues
1. Palin has attacked Alaska Native Subsistence Fishing
Perhaps no issue is of greater importance to Alaska Native peoples as the right to hunt
and fish according to ancient customary and traditional practices, and to carry on the subsistence
way of life for future generations.
Governor Sarah Palin has consistently opposed those rights.
Once in office, Governor Palin decided to continue litigation that seeks to overturn every
subsistence fishing determination the federal government has ever made in Alaska. (State of
Alaska v. Norton, 3:05-cv-0158-HRH (D. Ak).) In pressing this case, Palin decided against
using the Attorney General (which usually handles State litigation) and instead continued
contracting with Senator Ted Stevens’ brother-in-law’s law firm (Birch, Horton, Bittner &
The goal of Palin’s law suit is to invalidate all the subsistence fishing regulations the
federal government has issued to date to protect Native fishing, and to force the courts instead to
take over the roll of setting subsistence regulations. Palin’s law suit seeks to diminish
subsistence fishing rights in order to expand sport and commercial fishing.
In May 2007, the federal court rejected the State’s main challenge, holding that Congress
in 1980 had expressly granted the U.S. Interior and Agriculture Departments the authority to
regulate and protect Native and rural subsistence fishing activities in Alaska. (Decision entered
May 15, 2007 (Dkt. No. 110).)
Notwithstanding this ruling, Palin continues to argue in the litigation that the federal
subsistence protections are too broad, and should be narrowed to exclude vast areas from
subsistence fishing, in favor of sport and commercial fishing. Palin opposes subsistence
protections in marine waters, on many of the lands that Natives selected under their 1971 land
claims settlement with the state and federal governments, and in many of the rivers where Alaska
Natives customarily fish. (Alaska Complaint at 15-18.) Palin also opposes subsistence fishing
protections on Alaska Native federal allotments that were deeded to individuals purposely to
foster Native subsistence activities. All these issues are now pending before the federal district
2. Palin has attacked Alaska Native Subsistence Hunting
Palin has also sought to invalidate critical determinations the Federal Subsistence Board
has made regarding customary and traditional uses of game, specifically to take hunting
opportunities away from Native subsistence villagers and thereby enhance sport hunting.
Palin’s attack here on subsistence has focused on the Ahtna Indian people in Chistochina.
Although the federal district court has rejected Palin’s challenge, she has carried on an appeal
that was argued in August 2008. (State of Alaska v. Fleagle, No. 07-35723 (9th Cir.).)
In both hunting and fishing matters, Palin has continued uninterrupted the policies
initiated by the former Governor Frank Murkowski Administration, challenging hunting and
fishing protections that Native people depend upon for their subsistence way of life in order to
enhance sport fishing and hunting opportunities. Palin’s lawsuits are a direct attack on the core
way of life of Native Tribes in rural Alaska.
3. Palin has attacked Alaska Tribal Sovereignty
Governor Palin opposes Alaska tribal sovereignty.
Given past court rulings affirming the federally recognized tribal status of Alaska Native
villages, Palin does not technically challenge that status. But Palin argues that Alaska Tribes
have no authority to act as sovereigns, despite their recognition.
So extreme is Palin on tribal sovereignty issues that she has sought to block tribes from
exercising any authority whatsoever even over the welfare of Native children, adhering to a 2004
legal opinion issued by the former Murkowski Administration that no such jurisdiction exists
(except when a state court transfers a matter to a tribal court).
Both the state courts and the federal courts have struck down Palin’s policy of refusing to
recognize the sovereign authority of Alaska Tribes to address issues involving Alaska Native
children. Native Village of Tanana v. State of Alaska, 3AN-04-12194 CI (judgment entered
Aug. 26, 2008) (Ak. Super. Ct.); Native Kaltag Tribal Council v. DHHS, No. 3:06-cv-00211-
TMB (D. Ak.), pending on appeal No 08-35343 (9th Cir.)). Nonetheless, Palin’s policy of
refusing to recognize Alaska tribal sovereignty remains unchanged.
4. Palin has attacked Alaska Native Languages
Palin has refused to accord proper respect to Alaska Native languages and voters by
refusing to provide language assistance to Yup'ik speaking Alaska Native voters. As a result,
Palin was just ordered by a special three-judge panel of federal judges to provide various forms
of voter assistance to Yup'ik voters residing in southwest Alaska. Nick v. Bethel, No. 3:07-cv-
0098-TMB (D. Ak.) (Order entered July 30, 2008). Citing years of State neglect, Palin was
ordered to provide trained poll workers who are bilingual in English and Yup'ik; sample ballots
in written Yup'ik; a written Yup'ik glossary of election terms; consultation with local Tribes to
ensure the accuracy of Yup'ik translations; a Yup'ik language coordinator; and pre-election and
post-election reports to the court to track the State's efforts.
In sum, measured against some the rights that are most fundamental to Alaska Native Tribes –
the subsistence way of life, tribal sovereignty and voting rights – Palin’s record is a failure.
Alaska Native and Tribal Issues
1. Palin has attacked Alaska Native Subsistence Fishing
Perhaps no issue is of greater importance to Alaska Native peoples as the right to hunt
and fish according to ancient customary and traditional practices, and to carry on the subsistence
way of life for future generations.
Governor Sarah Palin has consistently opposed those rights.
Once in office, Governor Palin decided to continue litigation that seeks to overturn every
subsistence fishing determination the federal government has ever made in Alaska. (State of
Alaska v. Norton, 3:05-cv-0158-HRH (D. Ak).) In pressing this case, Palin decided against
using the Attorney General (which usually handles State litigation) and instead continued
contracting with Senator Ted Stevens’ brother-in-law’s law firm (Birch, Horton, Bittner &
The goal of Palin’s law suit is to invalidate all the subsistence fishing regulations the
federal government has issued to date to protect Native fishing, and to force the courts instead to
take over the roll of setting subsistence regulations. Palin’s law suit seeks to diminish
subsistence fishing rights in order to expand sport and commercial fishing.
In May 2007, the federal court rejected the State’s main challenge, holding that Congress
in 1980 had expressly granted the U.S. Interior and Agriculture Departments the authority to
regulate and protect Native and rural subsistence fishing activities in Alaska. (Decision entered
May 15, 2007 (Dkt. No. 110).)
Notwithstanding this ruling, Palin continues to argue in the litigation that the federal
subsistence protections are too broad, and should be narrowed to exclude vast areas from
subsistence fishing, in favor of sport and commercial fishing. Palin opposes subsistence
protections in marine waters, on many of the lands that Natives selected under their 1971 land
claims settlement with the state and federal governments, and in many of the rivers where Alaska
Natives customarily fish. (Alaska Complaint at 15-18.) Palin also opposes subsistence fishing
protections on Alaska Native federal allotments that were deeded to individuals purposely to
foster Native subsistence activities. All these issues are now pending before the federal district
2. Palin has attacked Alaska Native Subsistence Hunting
Palin has also sought to invalidate critical determinations the Federal Subsistence Board
has made regarding customary and traditional uses of game, specifically to take hunting
opportunities away from Native subsistence villagers and thereby enhance sport hunting.
Palin’s attack here on subsistence has focused on the Ahtna Indian people in Chistochina.
Although the federal district court has rejected Palin’s challenge, she has carried on an appeal
that was argued in August 2008. (State of Alaska v. Fleagle, No. 07-35723 (9th Cir.).)
In both hunting and fishing matters, Palin has continued uninterrupted the policies
initiated by the former Governor Frank Murkowski Administration, challenging hunting and
fishing protections that Native people depend upon for their subsistence way of life in order to
enhance sport fishing and hunting opportunities. Palin’s lawsuits are a direct attack on the core
way of life of Native Tribes in rural Alaska.
3. Palin has attacked Alaska Tribal Sovereignty
Governor Palin opposes Alaska tribal sovereignty.
Given past court rulings affirming the federally recognized tribal status of Alaska Native
villages, Palin does not technically challenge that status. But Palin argues that Alaska Tribes
have no authority to act as sovereigns, despite their recognition.
So extreme is Palin on tribal sovereignty issues that she has sought to block tribes from
exercising any authority whatsoever even over the welfare of Native children, adhering to a 2004
legal opinion issued by the former Murkowski Administration that no such jurisdiction exists
(except when a state court transfers a matter to a tribal court).
Both the state courts and the federal courts have struck down Palin’s policy of refusing to
recognize the sovereign authority of Alaska Tribes to address issues involving Alaska Native
children. Native Village of Tanana v. State of Alaska, 3AN-04-12194 CI (judgment entered
Aug. 26, 2008) (Ak. Super. Ct.); Native Kaltag Tribal Council v. DHHS, No. 3:06-cv-00211-
TMB (D. Ak.), pending on appeal No 08-35343 (9th Cir.)). Nonetheless, Palin’s policy of
refusing to recognize Alaska tribal sovereignty remains unchanged.
4. Palin has attacked Alaska Native Languages
Palin has refused to accord proper respect to Alaska Native languages and voters by
refusing to provide language assistance to Yup'ik speaking Alaska Native voters. As a result,
Palin was just ordered by a special three-judge panel of federal judges to provide various forms
of voter assistance to Yup'ik voters residing in southwest Alaska. Nick v. Bethel, No. 3:07-cv-
0098-TMB (D. Ak.) (Order entered July 30, 2008). Citing years of State neglect, Palin was
ordered to provide trained poll workers who are bilingual in English and Yup'ik; sample ballots
in written Yup'ik; a written Yup'ik glossary of election terms; consultation with local Tribes to
ensure the accuracy of Yup'ik translations; a Yup'ik language coordinator; and pre-election and
post-election reports to the court to track the State's efforts.
In sum, measured against some the rights that are most fundamental to Alaska Native Tribes –
the subsistence way of life, tribal sovereignty and voting rights – Palin’s record is a failure.
Personality politics vs. the market
the MSM is worried that the (R) vp won't take questions. Wonder what the market says: oops, down triple digits and bailing out wall street again. whoops, jobs and house are gone, credit is nil, can't buy anything, but we obsess over a Mean Girl's personality? hmm, wonder what the market thinks?
We have to raise taxes because of (R)'s
What kind of person thinks that the house they invested in for 200K would eventually be worth 2 million or more? What kind of industry sells to that standard? What kind of fed allows criminality of this magnitude? This rancid economy belongs to the republicans, and any tax increase that will inevitably be needed, no matter when, shall be accrued to them and their incredible ineptitude and greed during the bushco years.
The idiots on cnbc are completely flummoxed by their market. Hilarious to watch them look at each other in disbelief and then the "experts" coming on and saying "stay the course, blah, cyclical, bull-market correction, blah, blah, blah." These guys are telling us to "buy a lottery ticket." bozo's.
If you have been renting and don't make enough to invest in the stock market, you're screwed double, since you can't be rescued, but you still get to pay for it.
The idiots on cnbc are completely flummoxed by their market. Hilarious to watch them look at each other in disbelief and then the "experts" coming on and saying "stay the course, blah, cyclical, bull-market correction, blah, blah, blah." These guys are telling us to "buy a lottery ticket." bozo's.
If you have been renting and don't make enough to invest in the stock market, you're screwed double, since you can't be rescued, but you still get to pay for it.
US politics vs. love of country
Have to weigh in this year. Every day that goes by that the People stay silent is another tragic "24". No more drama, just writing it down and not making sense.
Going to a calling event for Obama later tonight. Will also do an event for Darcy Burner is I can do it before I head south. No way I can stand by and let conservatives take over our country. I wander around the net and comment about this all the time, in fact, I've become sort of obsessive about it and I have to stop. It's time to pound the sidewalk, burn the wires, talk to real people on the street about what is happening to our constitution. We have come to the point of having to talk back and put action into our rage.
Since Nicheren Shoshu and conventions that I participated in with them, I love our country because I was able to see it through the eyes of Nisei and Issei, Nihon that migrated here and see this country for what it was dreamt to be and I learned that dream from them. Yes, I cried when those Olympian medel winners got to hear the anthem being played and they were winners but to hear the anthem, to know it was from your country, that makes you cry tears of joy for them and for us.
When you know what freedom was supposed to be, the mundane becomes the irreplaceable. My thing is to work on the streets and now, to record that for my future generations here.
This is the most important election EVER, there is no excuse for hanging back, we can not afford any other action. This is for you, kids.
Going to a calling event for Obama later tonight. Will also do an event for Darcy Burner is I can do it before I head south. No way I can stand by and let conservatives take over our country. I wander around the net and comment about this all the time, in fact, I've become sort of obsessive about it and I have to stop. It's time to pound the sidewalk, burn the wires, talk to real people on the street about what is happening to our constitution. We have come to the point of having to talk back and put action into our rage.
Since Nicheren Shoshu and conventions that I participated in with them, I love our country because I was able to see it through the eyes of Nisei and Issei, Nihon that migrated here and see this country for what it was dreamt to be and I learned that dream from them. Yes, I cried when those Olympian medel winners got to hear the anthem being played and they were winners but to hear the anthem, to know it was from your country, that makes you cry tears of joy for them and for us.
When you know what freedom was supposed to be, the mundane becomes the irreplaceable. My thing is to work on the streets and now, to record that for my future generations here.
This is the most important election EVER, there is no excuse for hanging back, we can not afford any other action. This is for you, kids.
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at Celilo Falls, Nii Mii Puu country
Peace & Community

Here's to peace, freedom, health, spirit and home

in "formal" wear
Where I am when I'm not here.
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- Pre AmeriKKKan
- Everything opposite the average Amurkkkin.