This is the most despicable, overused set of words EVER. "They're de-risking." according to Len Blum, Westwood Capital on Bloomberg. WTF?
If you can see past her uterus, see what she has actually done, in AK, in ID, in grade school and in college. Until she actually speaks for herself, all that's available is fair, the line on what is dirty moved way out of bounds, especially since 43/cheney/rove. If Palin having "executive" experience gets Mad Mac elected, big if btw, it's time to examine her state legacy and the time to do it is NOW. Also, her family is not off limits if she orchestrates a meet and greet with John Bush where he literally blesses them on the tarmac. What is that about? It's about having your cake and eating it too. She calls the shots here and the MSM bites, every time.
Vetting properly would have avoided some of this, but it does add a "Dallas" like flavor to the campaign. If recreating a dead soap is the only tactic (R)'s have left and they win. Secession! If AK can do it, WA can, hey? Just kidding, besides, it's not over, even if it seems as if the code word for "being comfortable with a candidate" is really about being afraid of the melanin content of O's skin. Kind of crazy since he IS half-white, after all. He is running against more than just Mad Mac and the newest pit bull, he's running against a very uncomfortable slave history here. As a member of an indigenous nation, i suggest we not make this election about race, make it about what people do, not what they say, about what we do to protect our people, all of our people, not what will benefit the few. Above all, we have to think long term, we have to consider our generations to come.
Thursday, September 11, 2008
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at Celilo Falls, Nii Mii Puu country
Peace & Community

Here's to peace, freedom, health, spirit and home

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