I make comments sometimes because there is no other way sometimes.
Politico article on teabagger failure:
There is room for a third and fourth party in this country, but there will be a price to pay in terms of political sanity, especially since we do not have good information nor a decent press. Remember, ala the supremes, it's "People" vs. "Corporation/People" now and the teabag types are getting the press that is owned by the corporation types and we all wonder why. Maybe teabaggers aren't doing so well because they aren't really People, but Corporate stooges, otherwise why would your rag or the wapo/nyt rag cover them? My logic is unassailable.
BTW, where was the MSM when there were millions of us marching against the Iraq war? THAT was a movement but instead, you wanted a war, so thanks, myopic media, for NOT giving us OUR teabag coverage when it could have made all the difference in the world. Makes you think Corporation people want actual People to die in unfunded wars in which Corporations make money without paying taxes.
Yes, both parties are corrupt or ineffective and something is going to change although I doubt that even amurkins are stupid enough to go with an (R) again. I'm trying to forget that we barely lived through 43 for two stolen terms so look out (D)'s, look out world, we MIGHT be that stupid again but I sincerely hope not.
We would be wise to plan for anarchy as the last, best scenario because that indicates intelligent involvement by the citizenry while at the moment, small nut job teabagger groups are meant to represent all of us that are fed up with the sick society we have built in what could have been the best Union on earth. Teabaggers DO NOT represent all the discontent and revolutionary fervor stirring up out here, THAT I know.
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
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at Celilo Falls, Nii Mii Puu country
Peace & Community

Here's to peace, freedom, health, spirit and home

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