there is no way to know who is "right" when it comes to religion. the best idea is to believe what you believe, allow that others believe differently and encourage everyone to acknowledge the one thing we all know: "WE DON"T KNOW but we can live with that."
What is so difficult about this small thing? We can stop fighting about this if we could each be brave enough to not "know" something but be certain that everyone one else is in the same boat, seeking, not knowing but accepting that, for once.
btw, ALL of the displays are our of bounds on state or federal property. The idea is to be in a shared nation but with absolute freedom to practice whatever your belief system requires without restraint. When government shows that it has a bias for or against one belief against another, that is tyranny. Let's face it though, these display simply fear-based posturing anyway, someone NEEDS to be right or their whole belief system is debased. If their faith is that rock solid, who needs a display to prove anything?
We need dialogs to help us understand each other, to lessen the fear of each other's practice and to come to terms with our essential ignorance so we can have that to share, at the VERY least. It is time to come together, but we have to adjust to fit together, not try to force to world to fit to us, or the whole puzzle falls apart.
Comment quote from Huffpost: "steveo39 See Profile I'm a Fan of steveo39 I'm a fan of this user permalink
I'm reminded of the Bertolt Brecht quote: "Do not rejoice in his defeat, you men.
For though the bastard is dead, the bitch that bore him is again in heat."
This is a comment post from a political blog call Huffington Post. I do comment as well, i have put them here, but i want to keep better track of them as well as thoroughly cite anyone's else writing here just to keep the content honest.
love the quote though and that it came from Brecht is even better.
Monday, December 8, 2008
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at Celilo Falls, Nii Mii Puu country
Peace & Community

Here's to peace, freedom, health, spirit and home

in "formal" wear
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- Pre AmeriKKKan
- Everything opposite the average Amurkkkin.
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