Sunday, May 2, 2010

SHPY  (should have posted yesterday)

bp and gs are falling like boulders and are even being downgraded, like that ever happens and wow.  bp is losing something like point ten per ten minutes and gs has lost 20 billion in value!

"blah-blah" Biggs says "buy." dow down 140 pints.  boy, he is stuttering like a schoolboy not sure of his answer.  he must own a lot of gs and he knows this is not a jobless recovery, there is no recovery at all.

today is the last day of first time homeowner credit and jingle mail outpaces that.  we are not close to a bottom, why do we deny this?

who looks at disaster and smiles?

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at Celilo Falls, Nii Mii Puu country

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Peace & Community
Here's to peace, freedom, health, spirit and home


in "formal" wear

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