First of my cspan posts, so sorry if that sort of thing bores you but the whole justice area of our government (yes, NA's were citizenized, damn it.) and the corruption found within just about every department, including and of course, the BIA, is fascinating in a serial killer, forensic science kind of way. Sickening but you CANNOT look away.
For the love of all that I thought the "law" was about! The testimony in the house judiciary is stunning. She is the female gonzo. Wonder what clever alliteration will come out of that fact. Mine is Fredora, but I may reserve that one for Harriet instead.
More to come but one thing is clear--Fredo has one foot in the rowboat and the fishing rod wilts sadly. The other sad fact is that a new name for R's is "rebubliclowns". They have no reason for being there than to ask Monica for a date or through her, ask Fredo for a date. Cannot believe there is going to an R in government after this plays out.
She has convicted Fredo of perjury, of that there is no doubt. The parliamentary shenanigans reveals the level of panic that is beginning to set in among those who thought this whole thing would just go away.
Side note: Harvard and Yale stocked our courts and supremes from way back? Old news but good point, man! Just wish an R would actually ask a question but the D's are holding tough but still not tough enough.
Really, more later.
Wednesday, May 23, 2007
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at Celilo Falls, Nii Mii Puu country
Peace & Community

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