After watching the testimony of Monica Goodling earlier today, it is clear that the entire beltway is mesmerized by Turdblossom (aka KKKarl Rove). After the democrats caved on Iraq, this was supposed to be some kind of revelation, some kind of end that would give us a minute sense that something was being done with honor. Instead, there was not the final answer to who did what and how in the hell did this get SO messed up? She did not know what she was doing but she knows what she did was "right" but she may have crossed a line but since she is not qualified for what she was asked to do she gets a pass. At least Davis (D-AL) had his day, good on him.
What gets me is that the R's on the panel got only one thing right. yale and hahvaard were founded as freakin' xtian schools! He had to remind us again just how ingrained the godmyth crutch really is in ALL the major colleges in our country. Darn, I had almost forgotten the whole skull and bones thing too.
On top of that, moanica is just the tip of the corruption iceburg, there are probably thousands just like her still in the bushco "government". She was so clueless she and KKKyle could not come up with a plausible enough plan to make the firing "Plan" work much less explain how they fired perfectly fine prosecutors and replaced them with obvious hacks.
Must be tired and cynical. Hope upon hope that bush/cheney/rove/miers/hughes and now fielding & dowd are just as disturbed about this as I am.
I hope they are not sleeping either.
Justice means never having to say you remember.
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at Celilo Falls, Nii Mii Puu country
Peace & Community

Here's to peace, freedom, health, spirit and home

in "formal" wear
Where I am when I'm not here.
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- Pre AmeriKKKan
- Everything opposite the average Amurkkkin.
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