as long as these kids come from families that will continue to vote bushco there is NO risk to chickenhawks and seems to give them license to keep killing them. to have a coward like junior playing cowboy with your kids is only what you deserve if you continue to support this insanity.
or, if reality sets in, we admit that not only are they lying about why we went there, but they are lying about why we must stay.
the gist of what is really happening is: we want power and the "blood" of power in a backward society is still oil. oil must be sucked out of somewhere else because we cannot pull the wool over our own citizens eyes long enough to drill out our little slivers of wilderness, so iraq, you're IT!
so, we are going to stay forever, we will continue to bleed poor people to enrich the few and to hell with the godless brown people we kill while stealing everything they can make a profit off of.
if you're native american, this will sound woefully familiar.
bush/cheney/rove/feith/wolfowitz/miers/hughes/fielding/gonzales (aka the foggy bottom sludge) are only doing what is best for the Iraqi people, trust them, a few hundred years down the road, they will be vindicated.
reminds me of a bumper sticker i saw once - "Sure you can trust our government. . . just ask an Indian."
43 is a sociopath and the circle around him are enablers with their own not-so-hidden agendas, they must be stopped or we must secede from the "shadow" government and return to the rule of law.
Saturday, May 26, 2007
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at Celilo Falls, Nii Mii Puu country
Peace & Community

Here's to peace, freedom, health, spirit and home

in "formal" wear
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- Pre AmeriKKKan
- Everything opposite the average Amurkkkin.
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