Sunday, May 27, 2007

Saturday cartoons

Geiger cartoons that are somewhat painful to review but funny nonetheless. As I begin to write this blog I am astounded at how much work it is but it does turn into the something that makes you care about what is happening day to day even if NO one EVER reads these entries.

It is a weblog after all, just a diary that is public for who knows what reason? My reason for starting it has to do with what I am always thinking, "How do we create peace community and how can I do anything to create it when I am just a poor brown woman?"

As I write this, the PBS special, "Bury My Heart At Wounded Knee" is on the tube. I have it on dvr record because I want to watch it several times to give it a good review. I hope against hope that outsiders can have some idea what has happened here, what IS happening here now, but usually, I am disappointed. Halfway through, I am not impressed with the acting and the storyline is way too familiar but it has another half to go, it might get better.

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at Celilo Falls, Nii Mii Puu country

Peace & Community

Peace & Community
Here's to peace, freedom, health, spirit and home


in "formal" wear

About Me

Everything opposite the average Amurkkkin.