Saturday, June 30, 2007

sittin by the dock of the bay

watching the tide roll away. have too much scary over the top emotion but still trying to ground myself in plans for the future. have no idea about the future but feel it to be an active one. no premonition about death can be the determining factor about life because they are the same thing. the factors are in your face and the faces of all those who are there with you at crucial times and in the direst need. always family to think of and those plans get chased and time falls away, the dusk beautiful and the big green N shines steadily on.

san francisco has been a respite and being back on the rez another. death has to be motivating in that business is attached and someone has to take care of it.

if one is rootless, everywhere can be home, so for today, it's SF, tomorrow OR, then 206, then 208!

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at Celilo Falls, Nii Mii Puu country

Peace & Community

Peace & Community
Here's to peace, freedom, health, spirit and home


in "formal" wear

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Everything opposite the average Amurkkkin.