There is no other way to describe the No-Talent Show of Friday night as anything other than a total surprise and funny as hell. A few employees of the camp stayed for the show and said it was better than Vegas! It was, I had a hard time not peeing my pants and literally did have to leave to visit the restroom, I was laughing so hard. I will post a link to the show once I upload it.
There was a Night Lodge and like other events and people, I cannot get too detailed about it except to say that it was over by 4 AM and was a great experience for everybody who participated.
Have uploaded one of the funniest things I've ever seen, a song called "Prison Bitch" and Joey and Albert were hilarious.
The spiritual aspect of the gathering was such an integral and surprising part of it for me. I had not realized how seriously everyone else had taken their role in their families and communities to be a conduit, a spiritual being by choice and act. What a beginning. No way to know if I can ever be at this stage, but somehow, I wait for a dream.
Had the opportunity to talk with a young lesbian yesterday and at twenty five, she had lots of opinions, but knew what I was talking about when I told her to waste no time getting after what she wants in life. There is no time to waste, especially with the world we had the nerve to leave to her and to all our children. We will have a lot to answer for, but we can still contribute and help out where we can. As well as beginning to understand ourselves and be willing to work to make our struggles worthwhile and the world a peaceful one for all of us. The gathering made this talk with this young woman possible, as if I had refreshed my own hope for my own goals and dreams.
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
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at Celilo Falls, Nii Mii Puu country
Peace & Community

Here's to peace, freedom, health, spirit and home

in "formal" wear
Where I am when I'm not here.
About Me
- Pre AmeriKKKan
- Everything opposite the average Amurkkkin.
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