Friday, December 28, 2007
Alive again
Walking red earth woman, I drink your liquid motion, my soul that shitty, sandy kind of soil, not good for growing anything and I feel your tiniest trembles like wrecking, tearing, blasphemous rages, traveling easily through the big, dry, airy spaces in-between the uneven, untruthful clods of dirt that they call "that one", while crash, bang, Whip! our magnetic poles are left shining in the watery wind and damned if I'm not whole again.
Thank you.
Thank you.
Sunday, September 23, 2007
Now that I have been home and way too busy, it's time to put the final word on that weekend before it completely skip my mind.
After watching the video and even posting it to the web, I realize that we had some serious fun! As the day of workshops progressed, it was clear we needed more time for this. My main concern was making it to the grief workshop and once I did that I was happy. The other workshops were worthwhile as well, especially the health related info and history of two spirits. One workshop ended up being postponed, so that can be avoided in the future. It was also almost time for a wedding and many of the happy campers were getting ready for that. Once I checked on whether I could shoot the wedding or not, I grabbed a paddle and headed out onto the water.
It is as if there will be no other mountain or cloud or wave than this. There is not way that any other view of your paddle striking the water in just such a way or that the depth of the lake is not drawing you in, asking deep within it's lake soul to take you, and you paddle on.
After watching the video and even posting it to the web, I realize that we had some serious fun! As the day of workshops progressed, it was clear we needed more time for this. My main concern was making it to the grief workshop and once I did that I was happy. The other workshops were worthwhile as well, especially the health related info and history of two spirits. One workshop ended up being postponed, so that can be avoided in the future. It was also almost time for a wedding and many of the happy campers were getting ready for that. Once I checked on whether I could shoot the wedding or not, I grabbed a paddle and headed out onto the water.
It is as if there will be no other mountain or cloud or wave than this. There is not way that any other view of your paddle striking the water in just such a way or that the depth of the lake is not drawing you in, asking deep within it's lake soul to take you, and you paddle on.
Friday, September 14, 2007
Next page almost done
I keep gettting off topic with this write-up but everything is connected and shown for every good or no reason at all.
At the moment, watching William Rodriguez, 9/11 Survivor/hero talk about his experience that day and what has happened since. Too much carping by those of us merely experiencing poverty or having too much anger and then these stories are recorded that can change your entire outlook on life. It is no exaggeration to be totally honored to have this obsession with cspan and get these gems presented to me and I'm sitting here being there. He is telling the story such that I believe I will be able to go up and shake his hand after. If you get a chance, find him on cspan, well worth it.
Working on getting more recordings up on this blog and YouTube account. Messing around with compression rates but have to find a faster computer for editing and rendering.
Willie's thing with the master key is so symbolic, his insistance on standing by the book and the law. That key, what is it made of?
One note about the food at the Gathering: it was great and made with love. We have so much blessing in that all we have to do is show up and participate. When we have events, sometimes the schedule gets mangled, the intensity of each little thing is so much what life was meant to be. It is a dream of community and shared responsibility and most tellingly, a sense that every moment is precious.
He says, "I saw people jumping out of the buildings. There were bodies everywhere."
At the moment, watching William Rodriguez, 9/11 Survivor/hero talk about his experience that day and what has happened since. Too much carping by those of us merely experiencing poverty or having too much anger and then these stories are recorded that can change your entire outlook on life. It is no exaggeration to be totally honored to have this obsession with cspan and get these gems presented to me and I'm sitting here being there. He is telling the story such that I believe I will be able to go up and shake his hand after. If you get a chance, find him on cspan, well worth it.
Working on getting more recordings up on this blog and YouTube account. Messing around with compression rates but have to find a faster computer for editing and rendering.
Willie's thing with the master key is so symbolic, his insistance on standing by the book and the law. That key, what is it made of?
One note about the food at the Gathering: it was great and made with love. We have so much blessing in that all we have to do is show up and participate. When we have events, sometimes the schedule gets mangled, the intensity of each little thing is so much what life was meant to be. It is a dream of community and shared responsibility and most tellingly, a sense that every moment is precious.
He says, "I saw people jumping out of the buildings. There were bodies everywhere."
Wednesday, September 12, 2007
Maybe one more page or two
A little word about dancing. It is one thing I love to do almost as much as stickgame or making love. Dancing is making love in it's public, safe and flirty way, and if you happen to be going home with the one you're dancing with, even better. Next year, more of you have got to stay and show some disco spirit. Meanwhile, I'm having fun with the video, fondly remembering the dance.
The whole political landscape is being shaped to support ongoing invasion and war for the foreseeable future. We are pulling together, but our ways are not known, our spirit contained within the few. I said I was tired of being afraid. Now that I have been able to get back on track with this blog and the video page, both stopped while I shattered along with my family the last few months, I feel released and there are several reasons but most of all, I have a mission that I cannot name yet. I may get close by describing the one dream I am always reminded of when I think of death or loss and want to find some meaning.
I want to work on getting the last of the show up then I'll write that dream out for you. Love all, purple or small, blue, green, brown, white, we are are for each other.
The whole political landscape is being shaped to support ongoing invasion and war for the foreseeable future. We are pulling together, but our ways are not known, our spirit contained within the few. I said I was tired of being afraid. Now that I have been able to get back on track with this blog and the video page, both stopped while I shattered along with my family the last few months, I feel released and there are several reasons but most of all, I have a mission that I cannot name yet. I may get close by describing the one dream I am always reminded of when I think of death or loss and want to find some meaning.
I want to work on getting the last of the show up then I'll write that dream out for you. Love all, purple or small, blue, green, brown, white, we are are for each other.
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
yet another page
There is no other way to describe the No-Talent Show of Friday night as anything other than a total surprise and funny as hell. A few employees of the camp stayed for the show and said it was better than Vegas! It was, I had a hard time not peeing my pants and literally did have to leave to visit the restroom, I was laughing so hard. I will post a link to the show once I upload it.
There was a Night Lodge and like other events and people, I cannot get too detailed about it except to say that it was over by 4 AM and was a great experience for everybody who participated.
Have uploaded one of the funniest things I've ever seen, a song called "Prison Bitch" and Joey and Albert were hilarious.
The spiritual aspect of the gathering was such an integral and surprising part of it for me. I had not realized how seriously everyone else had taken their role in their families and communities to be a conduit, a spiritual being by choice and act. What a beginning. No way to know if I can ever be at this stage, but somehow, I wait for a dream.
Had the opportunity to talk with a young lesbian yesterday and at twenty five, she had lots of opinions, but knew what I was talking about when I told her to waste no time getting after what she wants in life. There is no time to waste, especially with the world we had the nerve to leave to her and to all our children. We will have a lot to answer for, but we can still contribute and help out where we can. As well as beginning to understand ourselves and be willing to work to make our struggles worthwhile and the world a peaceful one for all of us. The gathering made this talk with this young woman possible, as if I had refreshed my own hope for my own goals and dreams.
There was a Night Lodge and like other events and people, I cannot get too detailed about it except to say that it was over by 4 AM and was a great experience for everybody who participated.
Have uploaded one of the funniest things I've ever seen, a song called "Prison Bitch" and Joey and Albert were hilarious.
The spiritual aspect of the gathering was such an integral and surprising part of it for me. I had not realized how seriously everyone else had taken their role in their families and communities to be a conduit, a spiritual being by choice and act. What a beginning. No way to know if I can ever be at this stage, but somehow, I wait for a dream.
Had the opportunity to talk with a young lesbian yesterday and at twenty five, she had lots of opinions, but knew what I was talking about when I told her to waste no time getting after what she wants in life. There is no time to waste, especially with the world we had the nerve to leave to her and to all our children. We will have a lot to answer for, but we can still contribute and help out where we can. As well as beginning to understand ourselves and be willing to work to make our struggles worthwhile and the world a peaceful one for all of us. The gathering made this talk with this young woman possible, as if I had refreshed my own hope for my own goals and dreams.
Monday, September 10, 2007
another page
The Pink Ladies are getting thrown out of the Petraeus hearing. Great to see that someone cares enough to put themselves on the line like that.
Camp Seeley is a dream, beautiful lake amid blackened forests, but the cabins are intact and comfortable. Someone told me that they keep coming back here because the staff is also very open minded and kind. I make a point of telling them thanks and complimenting their camp. They seemed efficient and the place was great for the Gathering. I did a little exploring and went down to the dock. The first thing to do during a free moment is get out on that clear water. Even with the wind making waves and clouds in the sky, I wanted to get out on that water.
As people were waking up and others were arriving, I was struck by the joy that each person seemed to feel every time someone would walk up or pull up in cars. It was heartening to witness people coming together and teasing each other and be genuinely pleased to see each other again. Gave you a sense that people got close over the length of this gathering. Eventually, the opening prayer was called in the pavilion.
Native people together have a certain sense of always living a way of belief, not preaching it nor pushing it. We started the weekend as a prayer and with Matt D. leading us, we started off a weekend of prayer in all that we did. Right after, we had a talking circle and connected up with each other through our stories, which were amazing and confidential.
Dinner was ribs, wow. Thought we'd get hot dogs on a stick, only hoping for a bun. The food for the weekend ended up being fantastic and was well appreciated by all of us. Then after a interlude which allowed Brian and I to grab kayaks and cross the lake. What a rush to be on rough waters and toiling to pull a little boat towards a point that seems a mile away. We got over and marveled at how beautiful it was.
Camp Seeley is a dream, beautiful lake amid blackened forests, but the cabins are intact and comfortable. Someone told me that they keep coming back here because the staff is also very open minded and kind. I make a point of telling them thanks and complimenting their camp. They seemed efficient and the place was great for the Gathering. I did a little exploring and went down to the dock. The first thing to do during a free moment is get out on that clear water. Even with the wind making waves and clouds in the sky, I wanted to get out on that water.
As people were waking up and others were arriving, I was struck by the joy that each person seemed to feel every time someone would walk up or pull up in cars. It was heartening to witness people coming together and teasing each other and be genuinely pleased to see each other again. Gave you a sense that people got close over the length of this gathering. Eventually, the opening prayer was called in the pavilion.
Native people together have a certain sense of always living a way of belief, not preaching it nor pushing it. We started the weekend as a prayer and with Matt D. leading us, we started off a weekend of prayer in all that we did. Right after, we had a talking circle and connected up with each other through our stories, which were amazing and confidential.
Dinner was ribs, wow. Thought we'd get hot dogs on a stick, only hoping for a bun. The food for the weekend ended up being fantastic and was well appreciated by all of us. Then after a interlude which allowed Brian and I to grab kayaks and cross the lake. What a rush to be on rough waters and toiling to pull a little boat towards a point that seems a mile away. We got over and marveled at how beautiful it was.
Next page
I was able to describe hearing a song while at Seattle Pride in Volunteer Park and the women singing were my family already on the other side telling me to hang on. My thing is, this was the third time I had felt this tingly certainty and it was another time that teachings were instilled in me from just living within my fully Native family (until Penguin and I had the mixed bloods, ayy!). The big difference with me is that I had this whole sexuality question to answer, and while I avoided it until my 16th year, I was able to find a place to be happy within an accepting family.
Getting into the van for the nine hour drive to Seeley Lake, Montana, I felt expectant, but there is no way to anticipate anything, since it's been a while since I've been to a Gathering and then it was mainly because I was teaching stickgame. The trip itself was fun because of my fellow passengers and the fact that I did not have to drive. We arrived at 5 AM Mountain Time (I love that designation, almost as much as Pacific Standard Time).
It was too dark to know how beautiful the place was, so I just claimed a couch and drifted off.
Betray Us aka Petraeus is a murderer, or is he simply the "muscle" behind Bushes tiny brain?
So I wake up and know immediately why I'm here when I see Raven and Kaleena already up and sitting at the breakfast table--the chance to turn a camera on and record my People.
Getting into the van for the nine hour drive to Seeley Lake, Montana, I felt expectant, but there is no way to anticipate anything, since it's been a while since I've been to a Gathering and then it was mainly because I was teaching stickgame. The trip itself was fun because of my fellow passengers and the fact that I did not have to drive. We arrived at 5 AM Mountain Time (I love that designation, almost as much as Pacific Standard Time).
It was too dark to know how beautiful the place was, so I just claimed a couch and drifted off.
Betray Us aka Petraeus is a murderer, or is he simply the "muscle" behind Bushes tiny brain?
So I wake up and know immediately why I'm here when I see Raven and Kaleena already up and sitting at the breakfast table--the chance to turn a camera on and record my People.
Two pager
What would I have done without the weekend spent at the Montana Two Spirits Gathering? Being a bit of a selfish, out of touch bitch, I sometimes forget that deep down, there are reasons that I get drawn to such high character, energetic, committed and joyful people.
I already had my own goal for the gathering. As someone with at least two spirits, I wanted to document a story told by us for us. The fact that the committee included brothers Raven and Hiram, and Steven, their uncle, made it more of a necessity to attend, at least for the documentary project's sake. Never would I have imagined how much of a momentary experience it would prove to be. There is nothing inherently wrong with being lost, but there is a way home.
This is all jarring with the cspan airing of General Betray Us and Ryan "A Crock of" Crocker (He just said, "I cannot guarantee success"). What is going on is, my world has been transformed to the point that none of us has a grip on anything and gatherings like we shared on Seeley Lake can be taught, can be increased and can include everyone that is willing to attend and let themselves go with every moment that presents itself. I rail against the European invader, but I love him/her still. A song called "I am trying to break your heart" by Wilco could be inserted here.
A Crock Of just said, in short, "we need more $$$$$$$$$$$$$", of course you do.
The fact that my sisters. niece and nephews preceded me to a higher ground does not seem to hurt as much. My shoulders were so tense, and now I can sit up straight, sit here and type, even as the damn TV is driving me insane.
Why have I become obsessed with cspan? I want to witness my own destruction.
I already had my own goal for the gathering. As someone with at least two spirits, I wanted to document a story told by us for us. The fact that the committee included brothers Raven and Hiram, and Steven, their uncle, made it more of a necessity to attend, at least for the documentary project's sake. Never would I have imagined how much of a momentary experience it would prove to be. There is nothing inherently wrong with being lost, but there is a way home.
This is all jarring with the cspan airing of General Betray Us and Ryan "A Crock of" Crocker (He just said, "I cannot guarantee success"). What is going on is, my world has been transformed to the point that none of us has a grip on anything and gatherings like we shared on Seeley Lake can be taught, can be increased and can include everyone that is willing to attend and let themselves go with every moment that presents itself. I rail against the European invader, but I love him/her still. A song called "I am trying to break your heart" by Wilco could be inserted here.
A Crock Of just said, in short, "we need more $$$$$$$$$$$$$", of course you do.
The fact that my sisters. niece and nephews preceded me to a higher ground does not seem to hurt as much. My shoulders were so tense, and now I can sit up straight, sit here and type, even as the damn TV is driving me insane.
Why have I become obsessed with cspan? I want to witness my own destruction.
Saturday, September 1, 2007
Women in war
Had a chance to watch Eli Painted Crow talk in a video earlier. I'll post it but until then it seems even more clear that my problems and complaints are only so much trivial bullshit.
Everyone has their challenges, but some are brave enough to look for a challenge while putting their life at risk and truly serving the people. What do I do? That is the question.
Everyone has their challenges, but some are brave enough to look for a challenge while putting their life at risk and truly serving the people. What do I do? That is the question.
Saturday, August 25, 2007
The 43rd president is starting to use vietnam references to urge support for the iraq quagmire. here's a post from politico:
"pretty soon he'll start comparing it to the custer battle or wounded knee.
i wouldn't believe it before, but the boy president is completely off the deep end, ala dr. strangelove.
what now, impeach the guy and get cheney? the whole shop is infected, and there is no cure for what they've got.
come to think of it, it couldn't happen to a more deserving nation considering what DID happen at wounded knee or during the trail of tears. how far have we come from andrew jackson? not far.
what is the price of invasion? you have to own up to your SIN somewhere, someday, and then YOU let 43, a draft dodger and a coward, lead you into a forever war. It is an invasion, a way to use war to profit and plunder while your sons and daughters die brutal deaths. That or the VA system. okay, so you're paying for your ancestors killing us off, just to steal resources, so you know how devastating it is.
the real question is, when they have to institute the draft to kill more of your kids, will you submit them to this or will you finally wake up to what is happening to our democracy?
remember, we didn't elect this guy in the first place, so his whole aim has been to make us appear wrong. just thinking about that "election" makes me sick but it is what it is. conservative types have been duped just as much as the center, so much so, none of know what truth is anymore at least in relation to this administration.
So now what, secession? face it, it's going to take something drastic, we can't take another year of this president.
"pretty soon he'll start comparing it to the custer battle or wounded knee.
i wouldn't believe it before, but the boy president is completely off the deep end, ala dr. strangelove.
what now, impeach the guy and get cheney? the whole shop is infected, and there is no cure for what they've got.
come to think of it, it couldn't happen to a more deserving nation considering what DID happen at wounded knee or during the trail of tears. how far have we come from andrew jackson? not far.
what is the price of invasion? you have to own up to your SIN somewhere, someday, and then YOU let 43, a draft dodger and a coward, lead you into a forever war. It is an invasion, a way to use war to profit and plunder while your sons and daughters die brutal deaths. That or the VA system. okay, so you're paying for your ancestors killing us off, just to steal resources, so you know how devastating it is.
the real question is, when they have to institute the draft to kill more of your kids, will you submit them to this or will you finally wake up to what is happening to our democracy?
remember, we didn't elect this guy in the first place, so his whole aim has been to make us appear wrong. just thinking about that "election" makes me sick but it is what it is. conservative types have been duped just as much as the center, so much so, none of know what truth is anymore at least in relation to this administration.
So now what, secession? face it, it's going to take something drastic, we can't take another year of this president.
Wednesday, August 1, 2007
Back from grantwriting hell, but hopefully, this way of doing work will be something we can gain from, and not only because there is a paycheck involved.
There is such a thing as being called to something, and by all the myths we live by, I feel called to this. What this is is fluid, so the limiting factor of only being a Native American writer or just being a writer is no longer valid, but the ground is still missing.
My legs are cut off, maybe, so the ground has no substance for me. It is a miracle that the whole film school thing even happened at all, but the aftermath has been more work, so that was the point of it, then.
They say there is no preaching or no browbeating in movies, at least in a way that an audience would want to notice, but here there is preaching and as much open browbeating as I can get away with. What a relief.
In that vein, it is our duty to secede from this so-called democracy. At least it is our duty to see that the criminal conspiracy that deigns to call itself the B*** "administration", be prosecuted.
If I disappear, you know where I went.
There is such a thing as being called to something, and by all the myths we live by, I feel called to this. What this is is fluid, so the limiting factor of only being a Native American writer or just being a writer is no longer valid, but the ground is still missing.
My legs are cut off, maybe, so the ground has no substance for me. It is a miracle that the whole film school thing even happened at all, but the aftermath has been more work, so that was the point of it, then.
They say there is no preaching or no browbeating in movies, at least in a way that an audience would want to notice, but here there is preaching and as much open browbeating as I can get away with. What a relief.
In that vein, it is our duty to secede from this so-called democracy. At least it is our duty to see that the criminal conspiracy that deigns to call itself the B*** "administration", be prosecuted.
If I disappear, you know where I went.
Friday, July 20, 2007
Have you ever been able to sense yourself NOT joining? In this case, have you not joined out of fear or revulsion or anger?
What did you learn from that? Why did you intend to join in the first place?
Peace is not a static goal anymore. It is about joining whether you want to or not. It is about bringing yourself to the fight with a plan for not fighting out of misunderstanding or hate, but just because you want a fight.
How to stay in the fight without fighting, that is defending yourself but not being anger driven or fear driven, like my usual self.
The Buddhist answer would be to know yourself enough to give yourself the choice.
What did you learn from that? Why did you intend to join in the first place?
Peace is not a static goal anymore. It is about joining whether you want to or not. It is about bringing yourself to the fight with a plan for not fighting out of misunderstanding or hate, but just because you want a fight.
How to stay in the fight without fighting, that is defending yourself but not being anger driven or fear driven, like my usual self.
The Buddhist answer would be to know yourself enough to give yourself the choice.
Tuesday, July 10, 2007
There does seem to be an order to the way stories are told that enable them to be heard, say, a language, a shared heritage, an overwhelming need to categorize everything to make it comprehensible. Now that the classes are giving me the solid structure to every line, every word, every moment, I can see how important it will become to learn how to break all the rules once they are your own. Cowed by what remains, since now it is only my own fear of letting the brain cells splat all over my verbiage, not my brain cells mind you, since I tend to subsume that organ in here, but other's eyeball muscles are being directed forward to these arrangements, this score, a song of uncertainty but here making decisions anyway.
There are only the few of you around that I even care enough about to be conscious of, everyone else, go un-fuck yourself, an insult so bad I won't explain it!
Otherwise, love is sitting at keyboard.
There are only the few of you around that I even care enough about to be conscious of, everyone else, go un-fuck yourself, an insult so bad I won't explain it!
Otherwise, love is sitting at keyboard.
Sunday, July 8, 2007
What has happened is, I have stopped crying about it. Now there is only the will to write it down.
I had to start with an earliest memory, but sometimes the premonitions are even more urgent, especially now that it was clear that this would eventually occur. There was a way to change the outcome, but instead we will have to remind each other, using the most hellacious and potent example there is, Delrae's POV. What she must be going through hurts more than anything now and that is a good sign for me, naturally enough. My second eldest sister's grandson meant something to her and wanted the best for her kids and progeny, so taking care of him will be beneficial to the family in the long run.
Have to work so much on scripts now and may not post that here, but once in awhile, this will be the only place to be. There are family members who must trust their voices and their visions of the future and not be afraid. I am wondering if I may be one of those. Have to find out.
I had to start with an earliest memory, but sometimes the premonitions are even more urgent, especially now that it was clear that this would eventually occur. There was a way to change the outcome, but instead we will have to remind each other, using the most hellacious and potent example there is, Delrae's POV. What she must be going through hurts more than anything now and that is a good sign for me, naturally enough. My second eldest sister's grandson meant something to her and wanted the best for her kids and progeny, so taking care of him will be beneficial to the family in the long run.
Have to work so much on scripts now and may not post that here, but once in awhile, this will be the only place to be. There are family members who must trust their voices and their visions of the future and not be afraid. I am wondering if I may be one of those. Have to find out.
Saturday, June 30, 2007
sittin by the dock of the bay
watching the tide roll away. have too much scary over the top emotion but still trying to ground myself in plans for the future. have no idea about the future but feel it to be an active one. no premonition about death can be the determining factor about life because they are the same thing. the factors are in your face and the faces of all those who are there with you at crucial times and in the direst need. always family to think of and those plans get chased and time falls away, the dusk beautiful and the big green N shines steadily on.
san francisco has been a respite and being back on the rez another. death has to be motivating in that business is attached and someone has to take care of it.
if one is rootless, everywhere can be home, so for today, it's SF, tomorrow OR, then 206, then 208!
san francisco has been a respite and being back on the rez another. death has to be motivating in that business is attached and someone has to take care of it.
if one is rootless, everywhere can be home, so for today, it's SF, tomorrow OR, then 206, then 208!
Monday, June 25, 2007
No more prayers in government
Watching CSPAN and the guy doing a xtian prayer makes me ill. If they are going to do a prayer, a Native American should be singing, not that newcomer stuff! Okay, the newcomer stuff is okay when people are actually doing it, being xtians rather than lip servicing it but the holier than thou attitude and hijacking democracy, no, does not belong in our congress or in our government in ANY way.
Sunday, June 24, 2007
Queer Fest on Capitol Hill
Marched with the Northwest Two Spirit Society yesterday at the 2007 Queerfest on Capitol Hill. A couple of nights before that, I was at Freeway Hall with Radical Women reminiscing about the early 80's and our gay pride parade organizing. This year there is again two parades and two events. One seems to be the "political" one and the other, a "social" event that is not in the "gay" community on Capitol Hill.
Needless to say, I went to the Radical Women reunion and marched yesterday, so that already tells you where I stand on this. I like the whole queers for free beer thing too, but Queers For a World w/o Fear is much more my preference if I'm marching around like a bozo.
Marching was fun and at least 30k people showed up to watch. The groups represented were those that are concerned about change in a political sense but the usual naked and pumped up guys were there and scantily clad women and very young woman also pranced around with each other and they were so sweet and brought back a lot of memories of my young hottie days.
I don't remember having so much fun, unfortunately.
The festival after brought me a new song to love, one called "Stand Up" done by these two lesbian rappers and I have to find the cd and post some of the lyrics. Mostly, I stood in the shade of the lighting towers next to the stage and felt my sisters singing that I don't have to be afraid, that I can "stand up." Been crying a lot about them but this time I felt the love through their hands on my face, singing.
Needless to say, I went to the Radical Women reunion and marched yesterday, so that already tells you where I stand on this. I like the whole queers for free beer thing too, but Queers For a World w/o Fear is much more my preference if I'm marching around like a bozo.
Marching was fun and at least 30k people showed up to watch. The groups represented were those that are concerned about change in a political sense but the usual naked and pumped up guys were there and scantily clad women and very young woman also pranced around with each other and they were so sweet and brought back a lot of memories of my young hottie days.
I don't remember having so much fun, unfortunately.
The festival after brought me a new song to love, one called "Stand Up" done by these two lesbian rappers and I have to find the cd and post some of the lyrics. Mostly, I stood in the shade of the lighting towers next to the stage and felt my sisters singing that I don't have to be afraid, that I can "stand up." Been crying a lot about them but this time I felt the love through their hands on my face, singing.
Friday, June 22, 2007
Mariners, Seahawks, Huskies, Storm and Sonics
What is the dumbest thing in the world to cry about? How the Mariners refused to lose when it counted most for our city's baseball future. Just remembering the moment Edgar doubled, like we knew he would, and scored Junior from first and the awareness that he was safe at home! Wow, not sure how much pent up frustration from years of wondering if these guys would EVER win. Wow, they did it, they actually did it. I even remember who I was watching it with, Rosie, are you out there?
It just seems funny after all the death in my family to worry about a stupid pro sports team. My oldest sister who just passed loved the Seahawks, as do the rest of us who follow sports and they were unashamed in their devotion. It is just so unfair that these guys play a game and get paid so much while public education is a joke and ridiculed worldwide, while poor people never think of ever being able to be physically present at a pro sports venue, but they may dream of it. Pathetic really, to care at all about boys playing games.
So, as usual, I have to find a way to reconcile that, but for now, it is enough that there is the playing of sports that watching sports engendered, the sense of sharing that we have had with each other, and there is the simple rooting for the underdog and seeing them come through, like they did in '95. That is classic community, in basic ways the safe way to get with people on something, sometimes the only way some have community.
So this came up because Junior is back today after leaving us those many years ago. Welcome back, nice to see you again. Hope things go well for you whatever happens between us while you're here. Thank you.
It just seems funny after all the death in my family to worry about a stupid pro sports team. My oldest sister who just passed loved the Seahawks, as do the rest of us who follow sports and they were unashamed in their devotion. It is just so unfair that these guys play a game and get paid so much while public education is a joke and ridiculed worldwide, while poor people never think of ever being able to be physically present at a pro sports venue, but they may dream of it. Pathetic really, to care at all about boys playing games.
So, as usual, I have to find a way to reconcile that, but for now, it is enough that there is the playing of sports that watching sports engendered, the sense of sharing that we have had with each other, and there is the simple rooting for the underdog and seeing them come through, like they did in '95. That is classic community, in basic ways the safe way to get with people on something, sometimes the only way some have community.
So this came up because Junior is back today after leaving us those many years ago. Welcome back, nice to see you again. Hope things go well for you whatever happens between us while you're here. Thank you.
Thursday, June 21, 2007
CSPAN rules!
Even though it makes me physically sick, I am back to witnessing as our government works in session while hashing out energy policy and while in committee with a DOJ official, P. McNulty. You notice, I cannot even write the guy's full name, I now disrespect him that much.
Have to say, these posts again are meant for my relatives now and those to come. I do include all people in my family, we always have. Our virtues were represented in those that have spoken to us lately. We have been taught love, fearlessness, correctness, joy, and purity and many others. Laughter is one that still resides in all of us, as my brother said to us at the end of our hell week. He said, "You can't take that out of us, you never will take that out of us."
This family has a lot to do this year. Politics is just my sideline, but an interesting one, for sure. Later, my posts to different blogs or comments page and live comments on testimony will still be here but the whole idea is to bring us together as much as possible.
Have to say, these posts again are meant for my relatives now and those to come. I do include all people in my family, we always have. Our virtues were represented in those that have spoken to us lately. We have been taught love, fearlessness, correctness, joy, and purity and many others. Laughter is one that still resides in all of us, as my brother said to us at the end of our hell week. He said, "You can't take that out of us, you never will take that out of us."
This family has a lot to do this year. Politics is just my sideline, but an interesting one, for sure. Later, my posts to different blogs or comments page and live comments on testimony will still be here but the whole idea is to bring us together as much as possible.
Wednesday, June 20, 2007
digby's identity
Watching video of the woman who writes the digby political blog and she sounds like she write even though I never thought of her as a woman. She is revealing herself at an award ceremony for bloggers and it is so appropriate and signifying.
Women rate in this movement and I can't wait for '08.
Women rate in this movement and I can't wait for '08.
Tuesday, June 19, 2007
Names of our deceased relatives
Have to write about the family we lost and gained, now that i think of it, without naming names. In our way, we do not mention names until a year has passed and we have had their memorial.
I did watch CSPAN today, but only to hear about Michael Lamb getting trashed by Michael Savage and now want no part of the politics thing until my person is more resilient. Otherwise, i'll get sick.
I did watch CSPAN today, but only to hear about Michael Lamb getting trashed by Michael Savage and now want no part of the politics thing until my person is more resilient. Otherwise, i'll get sick.
Ready to try again
Have returned to city and ready to try my hand at writing again. It has been the most painful period of my life and the loss has been catastrophic to me and my family.
Those five relatives that have passed are not to be forgotten, especially since they had work they want us to finish. The longhouse and the continued viability of our family were the two things these five will bring, if faith in anything can ever mean that death is no big
Those five relatives that have passed are not to be forgotten, especially since they had work they want us to finish. The longhouse and the continued viability of our family were the two things these five will bring, if faith in anything can ever mean that death is no big
Saturday, June 2, 2007
It IS for the kids
they are getting desperate if this is the "face" of our military.
Have been away dealing with support issues for a few days. The opening for world peace is understanding, ennit?
The bald face issue is what we think about, what we act on, what we leave for our future generations and we feel that way whether we have kids or not. I can think of many people, including myself, that do not deserve to speak about properly parenting their own kids and setting an example for them to become law abiding and blahdiblahblah. I was raised to be hell-raising and self-medicating and we all knew what a disaster THAT was going to be!
While all that was happening, I realized it. Nobody can reasonably say they don't know it when they are committing suicide.
Yet we were allowed to have children. I have apologized to my poor kids for their having me as a mother but that may not be enough. So it can now be said, the reason to keep a blog going is for them. If I had not lost my first true daily dairy, it was started the day I knew I was going to give birth to my first child.
So this is not going to be read by anyone else but them in some ways because I will not publicize it other than by linking to my signature, but the real audience is the kids that come after. To hell with any other opinion other than theirs, if 43 can rely on posterity, so can I.
Have been away dealing with support issues for a few days. The opening for world peace is understanding, ennit?
The bald face issue is what we think about, what we act on, what we leave for our future generations and we feel that way whether we have kids or not. I can think of many people, including myself, that do not deserve to speak about properly parenting their own kids and setting an example for them to become law abiding and blahdiblahblah. I was raised to be hell-raising and self-medicating and we all knew what a disaster THAT was going to be!
While all that was happening, I realized it. Nobody can reasonably say they don't know it when they are committing suicide.
Yet we were allowed to have children. I have apologized to my poor kids for their having me as a mother but that may not be enough. So it can now be said, the reason to keep a blog going is for them. If I had not lost my first true daily dairy, it was started the day I knew I was going to give birth to my first child.
So this is not going to be read by anyone else but them in some ways because I will not publicize it other than by linking to my signature, but the real audience is the kids that come after. To hell with any other opinion other than theirs, if 43 can rely on posterity, so can I.
Monday, May 28, 2007
cspan #2 - Iacocca B&N book talk
Watching Lee Iacocca on CSPAN 2 and he is making sense, although I did not realize that he read his speech text so much. It does make you notice when he goes off text though. He might not be as inspirational himself anymore, but his 9 C's thing is quite interesting and as he talks, everything he is saying is antithetical to what the little cowboy in the "white" house is. Still, I am always suspicious of ex-car guys, especially when they're still shilling.
Another interesting nugget from his Q&A after. "Out of 24 ranked in math and science scores, the US came in 18th!"
That's why we need immigrants, especially from Korea (ranked 1st on the above referenced list). Ha.
The "C" I am most interested in now in relation to 43 is "character". He does not meet any of the "C's" that Iacocca has listed but George Jr's character is most lacking of all, immediately followed by common sense. Go the this link to see the list.
Another interesting nugget from his Q&A after. "Out of 24 ranked in math and science scores, the US came in 18th!"
That's why we need immigrants, especially from Korea (ranked 1st on the above referenced list). Ha.
The "C" I am most interested in now in relation to 43 is "character". He does not meet any of the "C's" that Iacocca has listed but George Jr's character is most lacking of all, immediately followed by common sense. Go the this link to see the list.
Sunday, May 27, 2007
Saturday cartoons
Geiger cartoons that are somewhat painful to review but funny nonetheless. As I begin to write this blog I am astounded at how much work it is but it does turn into the something that makes you care about what is happening day to day even if NO one EVER reads these entries.
It is a weblog after all, just a diary that is public for who knows what reason? My reason for starting it has to do with what I am always thinking, "How do we create peace community and how can I do anything to create it when I am just a poor brown woman?"
As I write this, the PBS special, "Bury My Heart At Wounded Knee" is on the tube. I have it on dvr record because I want to watch it several times to give it a good review. I hope against hope that outsiders can have some idea what has happened here, what IS happening here now, but usually, I am disappointed. Halfway through, I am not impressed with the acting and the storyline is way too familiar but it has another half to go, it might get better.
It is a weblog after all, just a diary that is public for who knows what reason? My reason for starting it has to do with what I am always thinking, "How do we create peace community and how can I do anything to create it when I am just a poor brown woman?"
As I write this, the PBS special, "Bury My Heart At Wounded Knee" is on the tube. I have it on dvr record because I want to watch it several times to give it a good review. I hope against hope that outsiders can have some idea what has happened here, what IS happening here now, but usually, I am disappointed. Halfway through, I am not impressed with the acting and the storyline is way too familiar but it has another half to go, it might get better.
Saturday, May 26, 2007
iraq reality
as long as these kids come from families that will continue to vote bushco there is NO risk to chickenhawks and seems to give them license to keep killing them. to have a coward like junior playing cowboy with your kids is only what you deserve if you continue to support this insanity.
or, if reality sets in, we admit that not only are they lying about why we went there, but they are lying about why we must stay.
the gist of what is really happening is: we want power and the "blood" of power in a backward society is still oil. oil must be sucked out of somewhere else because we cannot pull the wool over our own citizens eyes long enough to drill out our little slivers of wilderness, so iraq, you're IT!
so, we are going to stay forever, we will continue to bleed poor people to enrich the few and to hell with the godless brown people we kill while stealing everything they can make a profit off of.
if you're native american, this will sound woefully familiar.
bush/cheney/rove/feith/wolfowitz/miers/hughes/fielding/gonzales (aka the foggy bottom sludge) are only doing what is best for the Iraqi people, trust them, a few hundred years down the road, they will be vindicated.
reminds me of a bumper sticker i saw once - "Sure you can trust our government. . . just ask an Indian."
43 is a sociopath and the circle around him are enablers with their own not-so-hidden agendas, they must be stopped or we must secede from the "shadow" government and return to the rule of law.
or, if reality sets in, we admit that not only are they lying about why we went there, but they are lying about why we must stay.
the gist of what is really happening is: we want power and the "blood" of power in a backward society is still oil. oil must be sucked out of somewhere else because we cannot pull the wool over our own citizens eyes long enough to drill out our little slivers of wilderness, so iraq, you're IT!
so, we are going to stay forever, we will continue to bleed poor people to enrich the few and to hell with the godless brown people we kill while stealing everything they can make a profit off of.
if you're native american, this will sound woefully familiar.
bush/cheney/rove/feith/wolfowitz/miers/hughes/fielding/gonzales (aka the foggy bottom sludge) are only doing what is best for the Iraqi people, trust them, a few hundred years down the road, they will be vindicated.
reminds me of a bumper sticker i saw once - "Sure you can trust our government. . . just ask an Indian."
43 is a sociopath and the circle around him are enablers with their own not-so-hidden agendas, they must be stopped or we must secede from the "shadow" government and return to the rule of law.
Thursday, May 24, 2007
Immigration, impeach vote and usaAttorneys
Cartoon here is reminiscent of how it must have felt for us to have the rampaging hordes invading our country a couple of hundred years ago. I understand the pain and fear of those that are so against what they perceive as a threat to them but they must see that it is not going to stop.
Vote on an msm link for impeachment here. This president is a disgrace. No other way to say it, he has proven Jimmy Carter absolutely right even though Jimmy backed off a bit. When we look back on this decade 50 years from now, we will either be already annihilated or wondering how we survived it. Go to msnbc and vote, even though it means nothing, it feels good.
Got this ex-usatty David Iglesias article from Truthout, it is the usual from him and well appreciated. It is so hard to see how any citizen comes out of this with any respect for the law. What prevents people from just plain bowing out now that it is clear that there is no real justice in this country after this scandal brings down Justice?
Vote on an msm link for impeachment here. This president is a disgrace. No other way to say it, he has proven Jimmy Carter absolutely right even though Jimmy backed off a bit. When we look back on this decade 50 years from now, we will either be already annihilated or wondering how we survived it. Go to msnbc and vote, even though it means nothing, it feels good.
Got this ex-usatty David Iglesias article from Truthout, it is the usual from him and well appreciated. It is so hard to see how any citizen comes out of this with any respect for the law. What prevents people from just plain bowing out now that it is clear that there is no real justice in this country after this scandal brings down Justice?
Native American,
USA attoneys
43 this morning & guy with the bullhorn
Sometimes watch the main stream media (msm for short) and this morning on cnn Tweety ( ) has cut to 43's presser (press conference) and some guy is heard in the background yelling about the wrongness of the Iraq occupation. Tweety, for once, did not make a snide comment and even said something about exercising first amendment rights. My fist went up and I cheered the guy on. I wish I could be standing there outside the "white" house and scream MY lungs out too.
Deep down, we want peace, I'm almost sure that. All people want a fresh, clean atmosphere to raise their kids and be part of a community. I'm possibly generalizing here but I went to a meeting of a bunch of Native Americans here in the NW and that roomful of beautiful people had the greatest time just being together and laughing even as we fought a little. Just having that community is the best feeling in the world. OR there are those who want war and could care less what kind of environment we live in because their "community" is made up of "stockholders".
BTW, I'm ready to jump from the democratic party after yesterday's vote to let 43 continue his mass murder in Iraq.
Maybe there has to be a party of Native Americans somewhere, or we have to make one happen. We can call it the Troglodyte Party after the little nickname that Jack Abramoff gave us. He called us 'moron's' too but the "Moron Party" is already in place at the "white" house.
Deep down, we want peace, I'm almost sure that. All people want a fresh, clean atmosphere to raise their kids and be part of a community. I'm possibly generalizing here but I went to a meeting of a bunch of Native Americans here in the NW and that roomful of beautiful people had the greatest time just being together and laughing even as we fought a little. Just having that community is the best feeling in the world. OR there are those who want war and could care less what kind of environment we live in because their "community" is made up of "stockholders".
BTW, I'm ready to jump from the democratic party after yesterday's vote to let 43 continue his mass murder in Iraq.
Maybe there has to be a party of Native Americans somewhere, or we have to make one happen. We can call it the Troglodyte Party after the little nickname that Jack Abramoff gave us. He called us 'moron's' too but the "Moron Party" is already in place at the "white" house.
first amendment,
Native American,
troglodyte party
Wednesday, May 23, 2007
Just Justice,
After watching the testimony of Monica Goodling earlier today, it is clear that the entire beltway is mesmerized by Turdblossom (aka KKKarl Rove). After the democrats caved on Iraq, this was supposed to be some kind of revelation, some kind of end that would give us a minute sense that something was being done with honor. Instead, there was not the final answer to who did what and how in the hell did this get SO messed up? She did not know what she was doing but she knows what she did was "right" but she may have crossed a line but since she is not qualified for what she was asked to do she gets a pass. At least Davis (D-AL) had his day, good on him.
What gets me is that the R's on the panel got only one thing right. yale and hahvaard were founded as freakin' xtian schools! He had to remind us again just how ingrained the godmyth crutch really is in ALL the major colleges in our country. Darn, I had almost forgotten the whole skull and bones thing too.
On top of that, moanica is just the tip of the corruption iceburg, there are probably thousands just like her still in the bushco "government". She was so clueless she and KKKyle could not come up with a plausible enough plan to make the firing "Plan" work much less explain how they fired perfectly fine prosecutors and replaced them with obvious hacks.
Must be tired and cynical. Hope upon hope that bush/cheney/rove/miers/hughes and now fielding & dowd are just as disturbed about this as I am.
I hope they are not sleeping either.
Justice means never having to say you remember.
What gets me is that the R's on the panel got only one thing right. yale and hahvaard were founded as freakin' xtian schools! He had to remind us again just how ingrained the godmyth crutch really is in ALL the major colleges in our country. Darn, I had almost forgotten the whole skull and bones thing too.
On top of that, moanica is just the tip of the corruption iceburg, there are probably thousands just like her still in the bushco "government". She was so clueless she and KKKyle could not come up with a plausible enough plan to make the firing "Plan" work much less explain how they fired perfectly fine prosecutors and replaced them with obvious hacks.
Must be tired and cynical. Hope upon hope that bush/cheney/rove/miers/hughes and now fielding & dowd are just as disturbed about this as I am.
I hope they are not sleeping either.
Justice means never having to say you remember.
Goodling is Fredora!
First of my cspan posts, so sorry if that sort of thing bores you but the whole justice area of our government (yes, NA's were citizenized, damn it.) and the corruption found within just about every department, including and of course, the BIA, is fascinating in a serial killer, forensic science kind of way. Sickening but you CANNOT look away.
For the love of all that I thought the "law" was about! The testimony in the house judiciary is stunning. She is the female gonzo. Wonder what clever alliteration will come out of that fact. Mine is Fredora, but I may reserve that one for Harriet instead.
More to come but one thing is clear--Fredo has one foot in the rowboat and the fishing rod wilts sadly. The other sad fact is that a new name for R's is "rebubliclowns". They have no reason for being there than to ask Monica for a date or through her, ask Fredo for a date. Cannot believe there is going to an R in government after this plays out.
She has convicted Fredo of perjury, of that there is no doubt. The parliamentary shenanigans reveals the level of panic that is beginning to set in among those who thought this whole thing would just go away.
Side note: Harvard and Yale stocked our courts and supremes from way back? Old news but good point, man! Just wish an R would actually ask a question but the D's are holding tough but still not tough enough.
Really, more later.
For the love of all that I thought the "law" was about! The testimony in the house judiciary is stunning. She is the female gonzo. Wonder what clever alliteration will come out of that fact. Mine is Fredora, but I may reserve that one for Harriet instead.
More to come but one thing is clear--Fredo has one foot in the rowboat and the fishing rod wilts sadly. The other sad fact is that a new name for R's is "rebubliclowns". They have no reason for being there than to ask Monica for a date or through her, ask Fredo for a date. Cannot believe there is going to an R in government after this plays out.
She has convicted Fredo of perjury, of that there is no doubt. The parliamentary shenanigans reveals the level of panic that is beginning to set in among those who thought this whole thing would just go away.
Side note: Harvard and Yale stocked our courts and supremes from way back? Old news but good point, man! Just wish an R would actually ask a question but the D's are holding tough but still not tough enough.
Really, more later.
house judiciary committee,
usa attorneys
Tuesday, May 22, 2007
tribal & parental identity
For now, it's enough to know that the tribes that are in my blood are first nations only. Both kids are half European. They have strong opinions about that and I will let them tell it sometime in the future. Both parents are both full blood but each was of at least two tribes, my mom Flathead/Palouse(Yakama)/Nii Mii Puu and dad, Nii Mii Puu and Umatilla.
My family can be traced back to Tuekakas (Old Chief Joseph) of the Nii Mii Puu (Nez Perce) and Metatwaptes (Chief Three Feathers) of the Cayuse Band (Umatilla). Still doing research on the Flathead and Palouse bloodlines.
I have done a family tree that upon request, I may post. So far, the advice that I have gotten about blogging is that there is a level of caution you have to take in revealing too much personal information. Here is a good essay on Chief Joseph by David Buerge on the University of Washington Library Digital Collections. If my research is correct, Chief Joseph would be my great-great-great-Uncle, his father our great-great-great-great-grandfather.
This may be the last post on this particular subject as I have a genealogy site for family already running and it is mostly just interesting to family anyway.
My family can be traced back to Tuekakas (Old Chief Joseph) of the Nii Mii Puu (Nez Perce) and Metatwaptes (Chief Three Feathers) of the Cayuse Band (Umatilla). Still doing research on the Flathead and Palouse bloodlines.
I have done a family tree that upon request, I may post. So far, the advice that I have gotten about blogging is that there is a level of caution you have to take in revealing too much personal information. Here is a good essay on Chief Joseph by David Buerge on the University of Washington Library Digital Collections. If my research is correct, Chief Joseph would be my great-great-great-Uncle, his father our great-great-great-great-grandfather.
This may be the last post on this particular subject as I have a genealogy site for family already running and it is mostly just interesting to family anyway.
Native American,
Real name & content
Py is derived from a name that was given to me by my elders at my birth a number of years ago. It "means" Dawn or Sun Bringer. It gives the bearer an imperative to be in the moment and to smile a lot. Have posted to other blogs under Pre-Amerikkkan as well.
The content in this blog is focused on First Nations views in all times and places. There will have to be political content, because if there is nothing else that has negatively effected my people here it is the printed word in the form of the bible and the Law in the form of treaties.
Everything else will have no logic or end, and might even be circular and you may get tired of trying to find logic or some kind of organization and not find one, or not. Suggestions will be considered and implemented if it makes my job easier but mostly, we'll just be posting whatever we want, whenever we want, and in whatever form we want to.
The content in this blog is focused on First Nations views in all times and places. There will have to be political content, because if there is nothing else that has negatively effected my people here it is the printed word in the form of the bible and the Law in the form of treaties.
Everything else will have no logic or end, and might even be circular and you may get tired of trying to find logic or some kind of organization and not find one, or not. Suggestions will be considered and implemented if it makes my job easier but mostly, we'll just be posting whatever we want, whenever we want, and in whatever form we want to.
Native American,
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at Celilo Falls, Nii Mii Puu country
Peace & Community

Here's to peace, freedom, health, spirit and home

in "formal" wear
Where I am when I'm not here.
About Me
- Pre AmeriKKKan
- Everything opposite the average Amurkkkin.